Many Australians choose Bali to spend their holiday. This place is a good escape for many people because of the tropical vibes, friendly atmosphere from the locals, and beauty it offers. Before going to this island from Australia, at least you have to know about the cost you might spend later.

Bali is much different than Australia even though it is a tourist spot in Indonesia. For Australians, the cost to spend in Bali is way cheaper and affordable to have an amazing holiday. If you have no idea about the cost, read the quick information below to know about the dollar you have to prepare.

The Cost of A Trip to Bali from Australia

1. Flight

For A Trip to Bali from Australia

The flight to Bali from Australia will depend on the airplane you are taking, the time to depart from the city in Australia, and the season you pick to go. The class of your flight will affect the price of airfare. Business class can be more than $1000 even though it is not peak season.

To make it cheaper, you can choose the airline that offers promos to get the best price. Flying to Bali takes a lot of time in the air, so taking the economy class may be a bit uncomfortable. You have to keep your eyes on the flight booking web, so you will be able to know which one is the best price.

The direct or indirect flight also gives an effect on the dollar you will spend. Taking an indirect flight is cheaper, but it takes longer. During peak seasons such as Christmas or New Year, the flight to Bali is more expensive because it’s the holiday season. The recommended one is cheap flight to Bali from Australia.

2. Transportations in Bali

In Bali, especially at the tourist spots, you won’t find any trains and buses. Everything is instant, where the transportation only serves the passengers to go to the places they want. You will see taxis, bemo, and other ridesharing services in Bali. Here are some options you can consider for transportation:

• Ridesharing

Ridesharing in Bali consists of Grab and Gojek. They have green jackets as a uniform for the bike. For the car, their driver doesn’t wear any uniforms. It’s like Uber but since Uber is banned in Indonesia, you might often see those services in Bali. The price is fixed according to the application.

• Taxi

If you don’t use ridesharing applications, you can use some taxi services in Bali. You will see plenty of taxi options in the street. They have an ergometer on the dashboard, so you will pay the amount as much as the screen shows. The fare is reasonable in Bali. You might give some tips to the driver as well.

Teman Bus

For A Trip to Bali from Australia

Teman Bus in Bali is traditional transportation. It’s pretty cheap, but the driver might charge you a lot just because you are a tourist. You can have some negotiation before you take one.

• Renting vehicles

If you have a license from Australia to ride or drive, you can enjoy a rental car service that is available in the whole area of Bali. You are required to fill out a registration form. What if you don’t have any license? You can submit and register for an Indonesian temporary license at the police station.

3. Accommodation

for accommodation in Bali

You have plenty options of for accommodation in Bali. This area has the cheapest to the most expensive accommodation to pick. The service will follow the price, but the cheap one doesn’t mean giving bad service. The most obvious difference is the facilities they give to the guests.

If you want the best vibes during staying in Bali, you can rent a 3-4 stars hotel in Bali. They offer a big room, great facilities, and excellent service. The best accommodation will give you a memorable experience. Some luxury accommodation allows you to face the beach, have a balcony, and a luxury pool 

It’s different when you only want to spend a little on accommodation. You can pick hostels or guest houses. They only charge you less than $100 per night. It’s convenient and affordable, so you can save more money to stroll and shop. For luxury accommodation, the price starts from $300.

The most popular option in Bali as accommodation is a villa. It’s different from a hotel because it offers a larger place, yet personal. In villas, you can have your pool and garden. You can have some facilities like kitchen utensils too. It’s perfect for more than 3 people. The price is more than $300 for a night.

4. Food

Food in Bali cheap for Australians unless you eat seafood all the time. Seafood is luxurious in Bali because they have high-quality and fresh seafood. But if you compare the price to the Australian dollar, it is still affordable if you plan a grand vacation in this area.

• Breakfast and brunch

Bali cheap for Australians

Bali is popular with its delicious breakfast and brunch. You might have a breakfast package along with the accommodation you book. But if you don’t have any, you can find cafes and restaurants nearby to find them. Most of them open at 7 AM to welcome tourists to have breakfast and brunch.

Cafes and restaurants have special menus in the morning, especially for western cuisine. Their menu such as a smoothie, bowls, bacon, egg, and bread are available at an affordable price. Some cafes offer packages with $5 for breakfast or brunch including the coffee blend or latte.

• Lunch and dinner

Lunch and dinner in Bali are easy to find at restaurants around the area. There are many restaurants which open in the morning and they serve the whole meal. Wise option for lunch and dinner will help you to save cost of travelling to Bali from Australia.

Some restaurants might only have a western menu, the rest may be specific to the Indonesian menu. You can check the information about the menu they serve via their website or reviews web. Some cafes and restaurants might need you to make some reservations first before you come and eat.

How about the price you have to spend on dinner and lunch? It depends on the menu you order. For the standard whole meal, the prices start at $7. The grand menu for lunch and dinner can be up to $200 such as special seafood. Bali offers vegan and gluten-free options on its menu as well.

5. Visiting sites and places

Going to Bali is in vain if you don’t do things to do in Bali such as visit the museum, temples, and other recreational places that are available in Bali. This area has a lot of places to visit and they will give you the best experiences and moments. The price to visit the places is different from Australia because it’s way cheaper.

• Temples

Going to temples becomes a good choice because Bali has a lot of temples. They welcome tourists even though some doors are closed except if you are a Hindu worshipper. Some temples are free, and others might only need you to pay an entrance fee of about $5. You can take photos, but don’t forget to dress properly to respect this sacred place.

• Museums

There are many museums available in Bali and you can enter with an affordable ticket fee. For a foreigner, they will charge you about $10 per person. In the museum, you can learn many things from culture, artifacts, and other Balinese or Indonesian arts.

• Beaches

It’s impossible to visit Bali without going to the beach. If your accommodation doesn’t have a beach as their facilities, you can go to many beaches in Bali. Some of them don’t charge you a dollar. You can enjoy sunbathing here. You might only spend $ for the mat or other activities such as snorkeling, swimming, or banana boat which start from $10.

6. Shopping

Trip to Bali from Australia

Shopping in Bali is a must. This place offers many things at an affordable price for Australian tourists. The traditional market sells souvenirs and other needs for your stay in Bali. Clothes, accessories, and other stuff are cheap as long as you can negotiate well with the seller.

7. Hiring tour guide

This is an option if you don’t have any idea how to spend days in Bali. The guide will help you tour Bali or favorite spots that you shouldn’t miss. There are many tour guides in Bali that offer best Bali vacation packages 2022, but they may not be flexible with your holiday agenda. Tour guides in Bali are affordable starting from $50 per day.

8. Attending the festival

Trip to Bali from Australia

There are many festivals in Bali from time to time. It’s how you spend time in Bali to get more knowledge about their culture. The festivals are exclusive for Balinese, but the tourists can enjoy and join the parade as long as you don’t bother with their activities.

Some festivals are held at the lake, the beach, or the temple. You will see how Balinese appreciate their culture even though many foreigners come to their place. The festivals are free to enjoy. You can save some money by attending festivals and performances, yet you still get some things memorable for your holiday.

The cost you have to spend in Bali is not that much compared to having a holiday in your city. Bali is not far from Australia as well so you can find many discounts on the flight to save some costs. It’s all depending on the style of your holiday. Everything is cheaper if you compare it to AUD


  • Stefan Miles

    Besides being curious about people and their cultures, Miles enjoys writing and messing around with a camera. Miles’s favourite meditations are a good book with a cappuccino, feeding stray cats and dogs, and wishing to be a rock star in his next life.

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Stefan Miles

Stefan Miles

Besides being curious about people and their cultures, Miles enjoys writing and messing around with a camera. Miles’s favourite meditations are a good book with a cappuccino, feeding stray cats and dogs,...